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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Check out my new blog

I just made a wordpress blog. Partly because I want to experiment with wordpress and partly because I want to organize my thoughts of the world. I know I have this blog but I think I needed to start a little fresh and feel like I have more control over things. I hope to still post to here but for right now follow me on wordpress. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ramblings of a Pessimist

So I am kinda making this post a little journal like. I am trying to find my creativity. I got a little down on myself today and I felt like I can't create, only modify.

I know that if I create more, that creativity will come. I think that I am just upset that it hasn't come yet, but at the same time I been with the same job for nearly 6 years. I do the same thing all the time and maybe I don't really exercise that muscle. I can't wait to take time and start developing skills that I just didn't know how to stretch until recently.

Enough said I think, time for sleep.